3 Simple Exercises to Relieve Back Pain.

Pilates movement is the best prescription to a strong, healthy, & pain-free back.

Here are some things to think about to help you get started:

  • Get permission from your doctor before starting any exercise activity.
  • Start slowly and move with care.




Common causes of back pain include: injuries, strains, poor posture habits, sitting at a desk all day, a traumatic event like a car accident, lack of exercise, tight muscles, over use from repetitive activities or aging. There are so many things that can cause back pain, no matter how you got the back pain in the first place, it can make life miserable. Having that constant nagging and ache in the background can really take it’s toll.


Why do we always jump to the conclusion that if we have back pain – we need surgery? That is not always the case. Surgery is may be the option you want to think about, but have you tried strengthening it or stretching it, First,to see if that help. This may sound weird and completely opposite of what you have thought your entire life, but it’s time to change the way you think about pain. Of course, always consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program. When your back hurts, an effective treatment is Movement. You probably think you should take it easy, avoid all movement, avoid certain activities, because you think it will heal faster. But, the less you move the more your muscles become de-conditioned and things can get worse, not better. So, let’s shift our thinking a little bit when we think about pain. Have you considered all the options out there for back pain?


I can’t tell you how many people I have talked to that have no idea how to describe what they are feeling. It kinda like going to the mechanic and trying to describe the noise your car is making. ha ha We have no idea how to describe it. Do you have the words or adjectives that best describe what you are feeling? Have you even ever had to think about it before now? Most people have no idea how to describe what they are feeling. Yeah, that’s a thing! Pain in a way your body is saying, “Hey, we got a problem here!” Listen to it. Investigate it. Sit with it. I always say, the victim always cries the loudest. The squeaky wheel is looking for some attention.


It’s different for everyone and the prescription for healing is different too. One muscle may be too tight and another muscle too slack. It’s a puzzle to slowly put together. It’s a journey, an investigation that requires some patience and a whole lot of courage sometimes. Don’t be afraid. Take your time. I promise it will pay off in the long run with a pain free back.


The movements you start with could include things like: Stretching, Range of Motion (ROM) exercises, Articulation of your spine, Deep breathing, strengthening your abs and maybe even just starting with something as simple as walking regularly to relieve back pain. Research studies have show that ‘Walkers’ have stronger backs.


  • Donkey kick (or Butt Pumps) – 10 repititions; 3x’s – Alternating legs
  • Standing Roll Down (next to your sofa or bed to feel safe) – 3x
  • Glute Bridge – Staring at your tailbone, slowly peel your spine off the mat one vertebrae at a time as if you were very carefully pulling off a sticker and you didn’t want anything to get stuck. Slow and steady wins the race on this exercise.

These 3 movement prescriptions are NOT just for people currently experiencing back pain and need help; they are valuable for everyone. I like to call them Pilates Pre-Hab (or preventive exercises), so that if you do ever misstep, fall & injure yourself, involved a traumatic event like a car or biking accident, or know you have bad posture habit that have lead to low back pain – these 3 exercises are a great baseline builder to give your back the minimum, solid foundation of a strong and healthy spine should some terrible injury occur. You’ll be ahead of the game. A healthy and strong spine doesn’t take a lot of effort and sweat and tears. A healthy back & core is built over time with focused effort. The fastest way to get a strong core is slowly. You’re not gonna sprint or power squat yourself into a healthy back. It’s time to start looking at dealing with back pain in a whole new way.

BUTT PUMP- Activate your Glutes!

  • Starting Position: begin on your hands and knees and then drop down to your forearms.
  • Your spine is Flat and Belly Button gently pulling into your spine (hold that the entire time)
  • Raise your Bent Right Knee up until you feel your butt turn contract. If your not sure, move it up and down several times to connect your mind/body
  • Imagine there is a headlight at your right hip bone; shine that light straight down to the floor. Don’t let it turn out to the side. Also, keep the right knee pointed to the floor too and the toes softly pointing to the ceiling.
  • Lift knee up; poking a hole in the ceiling with your toes (foot is soft), and feel your butt contract, make it hard. Hold for a second or two; make sure you really got it.
  • Lower knee down to floor 1 or 2 inches; Feel a slight release of the butt muscle. It will not release completely, it will stay slightly on
  • Imagine you are balancing a plated tea cup on your toe (but still keep your foot soft, don’t let it cramp) and in a controlled movement, Making Sure you FEEL the contracting and releasing of the glute muscle. It’s a beautiful thing.
  • Lower and lift 20 times; Feeling Every Contraction and Every Release.
  • *REPEAT ON THE OTHER LEG Don’t forget to keep you tummy pulled in the entire time.

STANDING ROLL DOWN – Articulate your Spine.

This may sound like the easiest exercise you’ll ever do, but there is a little technique to it and helps to create space for you disc to help with back pain.

  • Standing feet 3 to 5 inches apart; 3 = shoes on; 5 = barefoot
  • Knees soft (there’s a bit of a bounce in your knees, not much)
  • Arms relaxed down by your sides
  • Belly button gently drawn In & Up; Think of kind of like the Nike swish!
  • A little head nod and bring your chin a little closer to your chest (not touching); lengthening the back of your neck while keeping the front of your throat opened and relaxed.
  • Slowly roll down, until your fingertips are just above the floor. No need to put fingers on the floor, even if you can.
  • Draw the Belly Button to the Ceiling and imagine you are trying to get your body into the shape of a candy cane.
  • Hang there for 3 big breaths; imagine you are breathing into your low back; See it expand.
  • On the 4th Breath, Inhale slowly and Roll Up. Imagine your bones stacking up, one-by-one.
  • Imagine your inhale is filling up the balloons of your lungs, lifting you higher and higher.
  • Slow you breath down, so the inhale lasts the entire way up. If you run out of air before you are all the way up, slow it down on the next repitition.
  • REPEAT THIS 3x’s


  • Lie down on your back; Knees bent; Heels 6-8 inches from your bum; arms by your side
  • Feel or become aware of that space behind your low back; slide your hand there and become aware of that space. That is the natural curve of the low back.
  • First, gently Tilt your tailbone towards to the ceiling to flatten out that low back space. Hold for a second or two. Make sure you are NOT squeezing your butt to make this happen. Use the front of your body or your Abs to make your back flatten. Not too hard.
  • Release it, by allowing the tailbone to tuck back down towards the mat and that natural low back curve pops back up to it’s original position.
  • REPEAT that 5x’s – it actually feel pretty good when your back flattens and lengthens.
  • Roll your pelvis, by tilting tailbone to ceiling, and flatten your back
  • Begin to lift your pelvis off the floor, start engaging your glute muscles
  • Imagine you are slowly peeling your spine off the mat (like a sticker), one bone at a time, until only your upper back and back of your shoulders are on the mat.
  • HOLD – Knees, Hips and Shoulders in one straight line.
  • FEEL – the Gluteal muscles working
  • Relax your feet, head, neck, throat, shoulders and jaw
  • CONNECT to the inside edges of your feet; relax your toes – no gripping.
  • KEEP your lower ribs soft and gently drawn in.
  • SLOWLY, from the top (between your shoulder blades), lay your spine down, one bone at a time.
  • Get back to starting point of natural low back curve.
  • REPEAT 5x’s

If you are afraid to exercise due to back pain, these 3 exercises are simple, yet effective, that anyone can do them and will start you on your path to learning and seeing how movement will help your back pain feel better.


You can do these 3 exercises everyday. If you want to get better faster, do them 2x’s a day – Morning and Evening. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!

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